Cindy Bui
"Time for one more daring dream" - Tuomas Holopainen
Pleasure to meet you. Or well, I should say it's my pleasure that you're on my website.
I'm a musician and a tech nerd. This will be a diary/portfolio of my projects and other achievements, whether it's music compositions, covers, circuits, programs, codes, or whatever else my curiosity touches. Look around; I'd love your feedback and/or criticism. Naturally, the things I did when I was 14 or so would be sub-par and maybe a little embarrassing, but it's about the journey, isn't it?
So welcome aboard on my journey.
These are the most recent things I've been working on:
Welcome back to part 2 of this guide. I looked into Linux development on Windows and saw that you could create a pure CMake VS template that doesn't use any solutions or project files and was immediately hooked…
I learned about compiling C/C++ programs in class using gcc, g++, just like a lot of people. It wasn't until I started programming in CUDA that I started using Visual Studio. I'm trying to move my builds to CMake to make it less platform dependent, but Visual Studio is a great Windows IDE for C/C++ debugging. It can be very bulky and it takes up a lot of space, but the tools are insanely helpful for in-depth debugging and for large-scale projects…
I like tinkering with servers and scripts, so I wanted to write about setting up a website using a cloud hosting website such as Linode instead of AWS (Amazon Web Services) and explain what I’ve learned along the way. This server was setup in a similar way using Linode…